FMMHA’s call for Directors and Chairs for 2024-25 season
The 2024-2025 season is just around the corner and planning is already underway. If you are interested in taking on a Director or Chair role and becoming more actively involved with decision making for FMMHA, check out our organizational structure chart for a more detailed view by clicking here: Org Chart for 2024-25 season
Below is a sample list of duties and an estimation of hours for all the vacant positions. Please express your Interest in positions by APPLYING HERE
WBHL Hockey Operations Committee
Division Directors: Estimated time per month is 40-60 hours with much more time required during evaluations and season start up, Minor Hockey Week and Playoffs and include the following tasks:
- Accountable for all communications to their division i.e. website, email, and Facebook pages.
- Accountable for division Stats/Standings (U11 , U13 , U15 , U18).
- Accountable for the league schedule for their division, double check that all teams are getting appropriate ice, that games are rotating evenly and working with the ice allocator to correct any issues.
- Facilitate the evaluation process as set out by the WBHL Evaluation Policy
- Select and secure head coaches for Each team
- Support Head Coaches in securing assistant coaches and a manager for each team in your division.
- Facilitate team, coach or player discipline conversations.
- Facilitate division development programs by collaborating with development committee
- Facilitate coach development by collaborating with development committee
- Facilitate Minor Hockey Week communications and activities by collaborating with MHW committee
- Liaise with tournament directors of outside leagues to help secure tournaments and encourage/enable all house league teams that wish to travel the ability to do so.
- Facilitate playoffs.
- Participate in incident investigations when called on by the League Governor.
WBHL Budget Director(s) : Estimated time commitment is 50-75 hours per season.
This role will report into the division director and work closely with the VP Finance. Each chair will be responsible to manage the WBHL budget process and be responsible for providing a check and balance on all team budgets, sponsorships & fundraising initiatives for the teams in their division. They will ensure all that financial directives are being followed, approve all fundraising and ensure all raffles are closed correctly. In addition this role will provide administrative support for other tasks as requested by the division director.
- Responsible for reviewing all budgets and confirming alignment against financial directives.
- Responsible for mid-year checks and audits of budgets.
- Responsible for year end close out of budgets.
- Updating appropriate Administrative records and files for each team.
- Support director on misc administration activities
- Participate in team budget audits
Travel Hockey Operations Committee
Huskies Division Director: Estimated time per month is 60-80 hours with much more time required during evaluations and season start up, Playdowns and include the following tasks:
- Accountable for all communications to the Travel Division i.e. website, email, and Facebook pages.
- Accountable for Division Stats/Standings
- Facilitate the player placement process as set out by the VP Rep Operations , including securing evaluators if necessary
- Work with development committee to secure any specialized player develop
- Review and assign ice allocations to teams each month and double check that all teams are getting appropriate ice, that games are rotating evenly and working with the ice allocator to correct any issues.
- Attend appropriate league meetings and liaise with league and tournament directors of outside leagues to help secure tournaments and work out scheduling conflicts.
- Facilitate playdowns that are hosted by FMMHA.
- Participate in incident investigations when called on by the League Governor.
Travel Budget Directors: Estimated time commitment is 40 – 50 hours per season.
This role will report into the VP Elite and will work closely with the division director and VP Finance to execute the travel team budget process and be responsible for providing a check and balance on all team budgets, sponsorships & fundraising initiatives. They will ensure all that financial directives are being followed, approve all fundraising and ensure all raffles are closed correctly. In addition this role will require administrative support and may require help with scheduling.
- Responsible for reviewing all budgets and confirming alignment against financial directives.
- Responsible for monthly checks and regular audits of budgets.
- Responsible for year end close out of budgets and bank reconciliations
- Updating appropriate Administrative records and files for each team.
- Provide guidance and support to team treasurers
Special Events Committee
Event Chairs: Estimated time commitment is 60-100 over the course of the season with the majority of these hours in the week of the event.
*Note: The Chair will assume all responsibilities for the coordination of this tournament including but not limited to the following.
- Execute the Special Events process for their event, including all communications and social media plans for the event
- Secure volunteers and build an event committee.
- Promote and work to ensure agreements are met on all sponsorships.
- Accountable for event budget with Support of special Events budget director.
- Provide a report back on the event to the executive board.
- Work with the Volunteer coordinator to design all volunteer shifts for event
- Coordinate any logistics on each event.Create a budget and set registration fees in partnership with the Special Events Budget chair.
- Secure a date and special events permit.
- Set the tournament rules and review with the Division Director and Ref in Chief to validate and enforce.
- Advertise tournaments if accepting out of town teams on Hockey Alberta website and any relevant social media location.
- Organize any player bags, medals and or gifts.
- Organize a tournament headquarters, draws and raffles.
- Collaborate with division directors
Director of Equipment: Estimated time commitment is 40 – 50 hours per season, majority in beginning and end of season.
- Work with Hockey Operations Managers and Division managers to organize equipment hand out at beginning of season (Jerseys, Socks, Pucks, Goalie gear, etc)
- Refreshing coach lockers with appropriate gear and coaching tools.
- Safety checks and repair of goalie equipment for U9.
- Work with Division directors and managers on in season equipment issues (lost jerseys, replacement socks, etc)
- Distribution of gear purchased through FMMHA to travel teams
- Organize and communicate Equipment drop off at end of season, take inventory and provide replacement recommendations to Hockey operations managers.
- Work with goalie development director on the availability of “extra” goalie gear for come try its and U11 goaltenders.
Chair, Photo Day: Estimated time commitment is 30-50 hours over the course of the season with the majority of these hours in the weeks surrounding team photos.
- Work with Vendor & Hockey operations manager to secure a date and ensure communicated to Managers and all division directors
- Create Photo Schedule with division directors around ice schedules to ensure all teams are available at their set time
- Coordinate a “Quiet” session for Inclusion Royals
- Supply vendor any support needed, including communicating links and instructions on photos.
- Receive and coordinate delivery of photos to team managers *(This is generally very close to Christmas)
- Coordinate any issues on photo’s between manager and Vendor.
Grant Director: Estimated time commitment is 50-75 hours over the course of the season.
This is a new role this season and an area we have not had much time to explore. This Job description is complete and will be established with the person who takes this position.
- Actively research and recommend Grants that would be beneficial to FMMHA
- Create a Grant Process including the reporting requirements and close out
- Support Arena manager on facilities grant applications
- Oversee grant commitments are met
Hockey Development Committee
The Hockey Development Committee has a total of 4 Director roles. This Committee is chaired
Director, Female Development: Estimated time: 60 Hours across the season
- Facilitate “World Girls Hockey Day”.
- Work with the Huskies and Division directors to secure & coordinate female specific development for all females in the WBHL, regardless if they are on female teams.
- Work with the coach development director to recruit and develop female coaches.
- Oversee the ‘female specific’ policies and protocol. For example; change rooms.
- Work with coaches to ensure inclusiveness of females on mixed teams.
- Be an advocate for all females registered in FMMHA. Including acting as a parent/player, mentor/advocate in any parent/player discipline issues; including completion of discipline requirements. For example; a parent is required to take an additional course, or serve a suspension
Director, Player Development : Estimated time: 60 Hours across the season
- Facilitate “First Shift Event t” Hockey day for new players
- Work with Ice Allocator, Division Directors, Development partners to Coordinate and Deliver Preseason Development.
- Work with Ice Allocator, Division Directors, Development partners to Coordinate and Deliver In Season Development.
- Resolve any scheduling issues and actively monitor to ensure all teams get league promised development throughout the season
- Facilitate a development weekend