Vice President of Administration
The VP of Administration is accountable for ensuring the executive board follows our bylaws by chairing executive meetings, preparing for our annual general meetings each season, and leading the executive by setting organizational goals. This role is an essential part of the decision making structure for FMMHA as a voting member and ensures transparency of the process to our membership.
The VP of Administration will be accountable for our scholarship program. They will look for opportunities to enhance cash flow into the organization to keep registration costs affordable for members.
The VP of Administration reports to the President of Fort McMurray Minor Hockey Association.
Set Season Strategic Goals
Executive Board Meetings
Annual General Meetings
Special Meetings
Crisis Management
Human Resources
Time Commitment: 800 hours annually
Travel Commitment: None

Official Job Duties can be found in section 2.11.05 of the FMMHA bylaws:
Vice President of Administration
a) Will attend all General Membership, Annual General Membership, Executive Committee
and Hockey Operations Committee meetings and shall maintain accurate minutes of same
b) Will have charge of all Executive Committee and Hockey Operations Committee records
c) Will maintain and update the By-Laws and the Operational Policies, Rules and Guidelines
in both hard copy and on the Association website
d) Will work with the Administrator on safekeeping of all Executive Committee and
Hockey Operations Reports, Minutes, By-Laws and Operational Policies, Rules and
e) Will be responsible for all Executive Committee and Hockey Operations
f) Will oversee scholarship program
g) Will oversee association awards
h) Will perform such other duties as designated by the President
i) Will report to the President
Skills and Qualities:
The ideal nominee should have:
- Diplomacy, negotiation and collaboration skills
- An understanding of FMMHA operations and practices through prior experience in the prior positions on the FMMHA Board of Directors and/or significant exemplary coaching experience
- Excellent time management skills
- Ability to respond immediately to queries, issues and requests for support and be willing to forgo planned personal activities when issue arise
- Strong facilitation skills to lead discussions with large groups of people
- An understanding of all Gsuite tools and the ability to use IT tools required for operations: Gmail, google Docs, Survey Monkey, Sign up Genius, Social Media Tools.