WBHL Managers Season Plan


Open your Team

Getting Started

Start Communicating


  • Your head coach will pick up jerseys and distribute to players. Ask that they record players #’s. You will then add these to Teamsnap under each player.
  • Retrieve the garment bags and hangers from your coach as you will need these to return the jerseys at the end of the season.

Build your Draft Budget

Schedule a parent meeting

    • See agenda template on the minor hockey website.
    • Take minutes as you will need these to submit with your budget.
    • Any one eligible for volunteer or busing grants have them submit asap - your division director can sign off if needed. Submissions for the year close Nov 15th therefore anything after that would be submitted under the following year and funds might not be received till after the season has ended.
    • Bring copies of a sponsor letter to hand out to parents and/or email out a copy. (See template for sponsor letter on minor hockey website) If you would like to add logos you may request them from Jacinda at: vpcoms@fmmha.com

Team Apparel



Play your Season


  • Game sheets will be given with Jersey handouts - additional sheets can be requested through your director.
  • Home Team is always required to provide the game sheet.
  • If you’d like to make stickers for your coaches, they are super easy. The Avery 2”x4” mailing labels work great, and the template instructions are right on the packaging. If you’d like to add any logos, simply reach out to Jacinda at: vpcoms@fmmha.com and she will send them your way.
  • HOME TEAM will provide score keeper/game sheet recorder and AWAY TEAM will provide a timekeeper/score board operator. Teamsnap now has an area with sign up build right in. Under assignments simply add what assignments you need filled and parents can sign up directly under the game/event.
  • Ensure your timekeepers know the rules for length of game:
    • 60 min game - 3min warm up/15/15/20 all run time
    • 75 min game – 3min warm up/20/20/20 run time but can do stop time for last 5 mins if score is within a 5 goal difference.
    • 90 min game – 3min warm up/20/20/20 run time for 1st/2nd and stop time for entire 3rd period if less then 5 goal difference.
    • Penalties are 3 mins during run time and 2 mins during stop time.
    • The time can be stopped for goalie equipment issues and if a coach steps onto the ice for an injured player. **The clock would then start again at the puck drop, NOT as the coach is leaving the ice**.
    • Each team is entitled to a 30 sec time out. The clock would stop and again only start at the next puck drop. Time outs are to be recorded on the game sheet.
  • Home team manager is required to email 3 pictures of the game sheet to their director or upload into snap. 1. whole page 2. Home team side 3. Away team side.
  • Ideally either you or the coach will keep a copy of the game sheets _ directors can request the physical copies for various reasons throughout the season.


  • Start looking into tournament right away as they fill up fast, But remember the blackout Dates of MHW and Playoffs.
  • Tournaments are posted on the Hockey Alberta website under ‘members’ and then ‘tournaments’.
  • Discuss with your director what tier your division is eigable to play this season your team will fall within the Alberta One tiering standards.
  • Join FB pages: United Hockey Alliance of Alberta & Alberta Hockey Moms and Dads as many communities will advertise their tournaments on these pages.
  • Email tournaments to get info to register (See template on minor hockey page if you like).
  • Hotel Block! Call and secure a room block for your team asap. This can only typically be done Mon-Fri with the hotel’s general manager. I suggest putting out multiple feels as hotels can sometimes be difficult to secure.
  • Decide if you are traveling individually or by bus. Bussing quotes can be put in right on the website and are typically quick to reply. These quotes can also be used to submit for busing grants if you have any coaches working for Syncrude or Suncor.
  • If you are busing, secure a pickup and drop off parking lot.
    • If looking to use Frank Lacroix email: flarena@fmmha.com to secure your team as they do have a 3 team max for each weekend.
    • CentreFire Place is also an option,
    • if wanting to use a school, ensure you confirm with the schools principal.
  • Apply for your travel permit. This can be submitted right from the minor hockey website. Some tournaments will require you to send in your permit number.
  • Obtain a copy of your approved roster/hardcard by emailing your director.  These are typically ready end of November. Again some tournament will ask for this and others will not.
  • Book or plan any team events or meals. This is completely optional. Sometimes the hotel pool will be all your team needs.
  • Create an itinerary for your team. If busing you will be required to submit a detailed itinerary for your bus driving a week ahead. See template on minor hockey website. I highly recommend entering your games and addresses into Teamsnap so parents can simply click on the arena address and be brought to directions on their phones. Remember when entering games for tournament you click the ‘not for standings’ button. Your directors will thank you as this can create some issues.
  • Collect game sheets if available (not all tournaments give them out).
  • On return fill out the post tournament feedback on the minor hockey website and email in your game sheets if you were given them.

Dont Forget to consider

Plan Development 

  • If your coaches have asked for extra ice this is something either they can acquire on their own using team funds or you can book for them.
    • FLA has availability right on the minor hockey website.
    • Centerfire you can call and get available times and book over the phone.
    • MacIsland also has an email on their website to reach out for availability and booking.
  • Consider dryland opportunities: team yoga/CrossFit/9 round/ninja warrior/wall climbing/ field house rental etc.
  • Consider team building opportunities: scavenger hunts/bowling/Christmas party with secret Santa or Chinese gift exchange/food bank challenges etc.

Team Picture Day

  • Your director will communicate your scheduled time and location
  • Ensure all names and #’s are correct in Teamsnap - this is very important for the merchandise.
  • Have coach communicate with the team to wear light or dark jersey and any other rules i.e.: no hats etc.

Minor Hockey Week (MHW)

  • A sign-up genius will go out typically early December with basket themes you can select from and sign up for, including the buy out option.
    • You can ask for parent assistance with prepping your basket based on your theme or put together yourself.
    • Value is required to be $200. Be sure to label and package your basket.
    • Drop off schedule will be announced just before MHW to the multipurpose room at Frank Lacroix.
  • MHW Door signs you will be asked for pictures, team motto and other info
  • you will be required to pickup your team basket and follow all tournament rules.

Plan any Special Events

Close Your team

Season Year End

  • Ensure you have followed through on any commitments to Sponsor
  • purchase and pay for any player and team staff gifts
  • collect Jerseys and prep for Jersey return (you can delegate a parent to wash and hang returning Jerseys)

Close your Budget 

  • Ensure you have closed any raffles with AGLC
  • Complete your budget with actuals  - any money unspent will be returned to Minor Hockey Special events account
  • send final budget out to parents to close season
  • send final budget and all receipts to budget director.