Jaxon Joseph Memorial Scholarship

Who was Jaxon Joseph
The Jaxon Joseph Memorial Scholarship was created in 2018 by the Podallan Pub in memory of Jaxon Joseph. The intent is to recognize the contributions of a 2nd or 3rd Year U18 Fort McMurray Minor Hockey Player.
Jaxon Christopher Joseph, born in Edmonton, Alberta on September 15, 1997, passed away tragically at the age of 20, while travelling with his Humboldt Broncos family on April 6, 2018.
Jaxon spent his life doing what he loved - playing hockey. Jaxon's big heart, his charming smile, and his warm, loving personality touched many and left lasting impressions. Jaxon loved all dogs, especially his "Sam". His other passions included spending time with his family, summers at the lake and hanging out with the boys.
Jaxon’s Dad said that his son was “never the star, never the grinder, but very flexible…every team he’s played on, he’s always been described as a glue guy.”
The Scholarship will be awarded annually to one or more 2nd or 3rd year Fort McMurray Minor Hockey Players who have demonstrated similar characteristics as Jaxon Joseph; a love of hockey, a love of family and a love of friends. The player who may not be the star on the ice, but is respected and known by his teammates for being the “glue guy.”
Application Deadline
June 30, 2024
One or more annual award of $1000.00
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- Be a Canadian Citizen or a permanent resident:
- Be a permanent resident of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo;
- Have played with the Fort McMurray Minor Hockey Association for at least two years.
Selection Procedure
Nominations must be put forward by an adult community member that can fully describe the prospective recipients of this scholarship, and provide two reference letters in support of this nomination.
A selection committee of 2 board members, 2 coaches and 1 community member will review all nominations and select recipient(s).
The personal information you provide on this form is being collected under the authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta. It will be used by the Fort McMurray Minor Hockey Association to help determine successful award applicants. The Information will be protected in compliance with the Act and will be destroyed after the award selection process. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this personal Information, please contact the VP Administration of FMMHA.